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Unveiling the Mystery: Exploring the Existence of Ghosts


As humans, our fascination with the supernatural has persisted throughout history. One of the most captivating and mysterious topics within this realm is the existence of ghosts.

What Are Ghosts?

Are they mere figments of imagination or do they truly exist? Throughout history, tales of ghostly encounters have captivated and intrigued us, leading us to question the nature of these ethereal beings. In this article, we will delve into the world of ghosts, exploring their origins, characteristics, and the beliefs surrounding them.

According to ancient texts such as the Atharva Veda, ghosts are believed to be spirit souls without physical bodies. Unlike human beings, they exist in a subtle form, consisting of their ethereal essence. The study of these paranormal entities is known as Vaidya Sastra, a branch of Mantrika Pragyoga that utilizes mantras, chants, and yantras to invoke deities and capture specific energies. Tantra, another aspect of this practice, involves procedures to control these lost entities, also referred to as Upasana Paditi.

In general, Ghosts, often referred to as bhoot, pret, pichasas, brahmarakshas or jinns in different cultures, are believed to be the spirits or souls of deceased individuals who have not yet found peace in the afterlife. These apparitions are said to manifest in various forms and are often associated with specific locations or objects.

Do Ghosts Really Exist?

The Atharva Veda further describes the existence of positive, negative, and demonic energies. The potency of ghosts varies depending on the movement of the sun during Uttarayanam and Dakshinayanam. In the book "Bagaharerhara Nigudana," written in Kannada, paranormal entities are explored through scientific and paranormal case studies, providing evidence of their existence.

Moreover, the Srimad Bhagavatam, in its third canto, chapter 20, discusses the creation of various levels of ghosts or entities by Lord Brahma.

In the Kathopanishad, a story involving Nachiketa, it is mentioned that pretas, or ghosts, do not possess physical bodies but exist as reflections of their former selves. After death, souls wander for ten days, unsure of where to go. If proper sradha (rituals performed for the deceased) is not conducted, these souls, driven by unprocessed desires and thought patterns, can change their form and shape, entering the realm of the preta.

Who Can Become a Ghost?

These entities are believed to be formed due to untimely deaths or unfulfilled desires. For example, individuals who die prematurely or have unfulfilled aspirations may become ghosts, seeking to fulfill their desires by entering the bodies of others.

Additionally, those who have committed suicide, experienced accidental deaths, engaged in sinful activities, or harbored unfulfilled desires may also become ghosts. Suicide is considered a sinful act, as it disregards the body sanctioned by the laws of nature and the Divine. Consequently, individuals who misuse their bodies may be condemned to a ghostly existence.

Within the preta realm, there exist various types of ghosts with distinct characteristics and power. Examples include Pishachas, Shakinis, Dakinis, and Mohinis. Mohini, specifically, refers to a young woman who becomes a ghost, often driven by unfulfilled desires. Brahmarakshasas, on the other hand, are individuals who studied scriptures in their lifetime but passed away with unresolved anger, causing them to trouble people even in their ghostly forms.

Our Vedic scriptures provide evidence of the existence of supernatural beings, which possess greater power than humans. Additionally, numerous individuals have reported personal encounters with these entities. This knowledge empowers us to navigate through life with a heightened awareness of the energies that surround us. By recognizing the influence of positive, negative, and demonic energies, we can make conscious choices to cultivate positivity, shield ourselves from negativity, and protect our spiritual well-being and lead a life of spiritual harmony by chanting holy names of Lord Krishna.

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Blue Skies
Blue Skies

Sunita Narayan, Dallas

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Blue Skies

Savitri Devi Dasi, Mayapur

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Hare Krishna. Thank you so much again.

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Padma Radha, Texas

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